Cream Tripoli Powder

Cream Tripoli is a free-flowing, non-metallic, odorless powder insoluble in water. It indicates that this particular Tripoli abrasive may have a creamy or pale color, and it is typically used for achieving a refined, polished finish on surfaces like metals, wood, ceramics, and plastics.
Rose Tripoli Powder

Rose Tripoli are finely ground materials often derived from naturally occurring substances like siliceous earth, diatomaceous earth, or clay. They are commonly used for polishing, buffing, and finishing surfaces. As the abrasive component in various polishing formulas, rose tripoli powder, with its iron oxide content, will be slightly more aggressive than cream tripoli. Its particles are naturally crumbly, breaking down or crumbling into smaller particles during application. First, the particles will cut the surface, and as they break down, they will begin to polish or color the finished item.
American Tripoli Sand Stone

Sandstone is a multi-purpose material and has been used to construct buildings, statues, and fountains. It is commonly used for grinding, industrial sand, and in asphalt concrete.
It also has two major applications, called crushed stone and dimension stone.
American Tripoli Flint Chert

Flint is a variety of microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz and can be used as the cutting edge in some of the finest surgical tools. One of the first uses of quartz in the form of flint was the production of sharp objects such as knife blades, scrapers, and projectile points.
American Tripoli Fill Dirt

Fill dirt is used to fill in a depression or hole in the ground, create mounds or otherwise change the grade or elevation of real property.
Calcined Clay
