American Tripoli markets a complete line of metal polishing and finishing compounds that grade from its aggressive cutting agent, Once Ground, through its Double Ground, Air Float, Premium, R-45, and C-45 products to its finest buffing compounds, R-30 and C-30.
Tripoli has a unique application as an abrasive powder because of its hardness and because its grain structure lacks distinct edges and corners. It is a mild abrasive, making it suitable for use in tooth paste and tooth polishing compounds, industrial soaps, and metals.
It is also suitable for foundry parting, core wash, fillers, detergents, dry cleaning and laundries, button polishing, wood polishing, cloth polishing, gem polishing, drill mud, insecticides, building blocks, putty, admixture for concrete, extender in paint, and water filters. Our abrasive powder has a secure place in the automotive industry, which uses it in an assortment of buffing and polishing compounds for lacquer finishes.
Our product continues to have a valuable use as an abrasive agent. Polishing, finishing, grinding, and buffing of metals and other surfaces requiring a cleanly scoured surface have relied on us for more than 150 years.