American Tripoli and Sandstone

Frequently Asked Questions

What is posted on the online production schedule accurate?

Yes, it is updated daily.

Is there really that long of a factory lead time?

 Unfortunately, yes, what the calendar shows is the lead time. The production slowdown is due to supply chain issues, the post-pandemic-era surge in personnel retiring, quiet quitting, job hopping, etc. We do our absolute best to produce the orders as quickly as possible to get you your orders before the date the calendar shows.

Is the posted on the online production schedule what I should use for planning purposes?

Yes, this is why we had it designed, for your convenience and transparency.

Should I plan and submit our orders for the entire year ahead?

Yes, that is the best approach, BUT also note that you must read and understand our Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Can I pay more to have the order expedited and produced earlier?

NO. That would not be fair to the other customers who put their orders in before you, and I am sure you would not like it if someone else did that to your order.

How do I get priority since I have been a customer for 20 years?

We treat every customer with the same grace and customer service. Even our highest-ordering customer has to plan and place their orders according to their annual needs.

Can I go to a distributor instead and get it faster?

It depends as our distributors buy in bulk, but in 2022/2023, even our distributors have run out of product and are waiting in line like everyone else.

Is it cheaper to go through a distributor?

It depends. The distributor buys the product in larger quantities to get wholesale pricing and add their markup to sell it to you. Depending on order sizes annually, we offer wholesale pricing to specific customers. Again, ensure you read and understand our Terms and Conditions of Sale.

What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?

For our wholesale customers, the MOQ per product grade is 2,000 lbs for 100# bags and 1,500 lbs for 50# bags. You can order smaller quantities at the retail pricing.

How many products do you offer?

We offer two base materials, Rose Tripoli and Cream Tripoli. We offer the base materials in ten different grades, Once Ground (OG), Double Ground (DG), Air Float (AF), Trifil (T), Premium (P), Ultrafine micron grades of -45, -30, -15, -10, and -6, and offer these grades in seven different package sizes, 1oz, 4oz, 8oz, 1lb, 5lb, 50lb, and 100lb.

Can I pick up the product in person?

Yes, prior coordination would be needed as we do not have a physical storefront.

How do I pay?

Once you receive an Invoice, it will include the payment options and instructions for ACH, wire transfers, PayPal, and credit card transactions. We do NOT accept paper checks.

Are you on social media?

Yes, all the social media sites; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, etc

Where can I find out more information about Amerian Tripoli?

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